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Friday, December 28, 2012

Twenty-nine Things to Accomplish for 2013: (Because I'll be turning 29 This Year)

29. Start saving money for my plan to go to Japan to work OR for OUR plan to purchase a house and/or lot. 

28. Have a new look. I would like to start by replacing my eyeglasses with a new, trendy look. Then, I would try a new hairstyle, a curly one maybe. 

27. Lose weight. Eliminate fats especially in my tummy area.

26. Be more serious in studying Kana, Kanji and some useful Japanese expressions.

25. Keep in touch with friends more often.

24. Pay for PLDT my DSL to try teaching English online at home as preparation for my goal # 23.

23. Find a new job. I might teach in a real-school setting, or find a better online ESL company.(target month: March-May)

22. Find a part time /work at home job.

21. Enroll for refresher courses to prepare for teaching.

20. Study Spanish/ Japanese language for certification purposes.

19. Buy a brand new washing machine.

18. Fix my birth certificate.

17. Update this blog more.

16. Read more books.

15. Spend more time with my family members.

14. Avoid junk foods.

13. Have a separate bank account.

12. Avoid using bad words especially when angry.

11. Renew my teaching license.

10. Update information for my accounts in SSS, Philhealth, BIR and PAGIBIG and get my IDs.

9. Be more serious in life.

 8. Travel with my husband somewhere (at least twice next year).

7. Reconnect with my former students via e-mail.

6. Replace my “revealing clothes” with “more decent” ones.

5. Recall everything I learned about Social Studies and practice how to teach English subjects.

4. Prepare for my pregnancy.

3. Buy a lot in Taguig or in any place nearby. Or at least pay for down payment for my house and lot.

2. Travel or work in Japan.

1. Make my spiritual life in-tune with God.

So help me, Papa God. 

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